New Announcement of BISP Beneficiary to Foreign Countries to employment chance
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New Announcement of BISP Beneficiary to Foreign Countries to employment chance

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We provide the Ehsaas Program (BISP) to check the information at The New Setup in the BISP Office, Senator Rubina Khalid, will meet up with Muhammad Tayyab, Director General, Bureau of Emigration of Overseas Employment. The main focus point of BISP Beneficiary is to create overseas employment for family members to qualify for skill training.

The Senator Rubina Khalid’s BISP beneficiary families will arrange very unique shorts to meet foreign country demand. The important point in employing basic English reading and writing, talking of sentences, and communication of sentences is to ensure quality skills training for the success of a foreign country in our family life.

The Tayyab have committed to ensuring foreign demand for skills such as housekeeping, hospital staff, nurses, receptionists, and more. The checking very high demands our world, employs full training to proceed with skills ensure of quality skills and certified of skills ensured.

The Sentro Rubina Khalid discusses the saying of Muhammad Tayyab to create a Pakistan International Training Initiative (NAVITC), a meet-up of BISP Beneficiary Families members for a special skills training setup. Rubina Khalid only aims to be a BISP beneficiary member of the family to learn quality skills in the Forigon country to earn money for the family. is providing the information of BISP Beneficiary family members to a very big discussion of the foreign country employment chance to create BISP Senator Rubina Khalid’s to the conversation of Director General, Bureau of Emigration of overseas employment, Mr. Muhmmad Tayyab, to talk about the foreign employment of skill development program to connect a NAVTTC. Muhmmad Tayyab is helping BISP to help beneficiary family members improve aquaculture skills training and ensure the employment of high-demand skills to earn money for our family.

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